Welcome to the Athletics Nelson Registration Page

The current membership season runs from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026, except for Active Members 23 Years and over and Social Members 15 Years and over where it is a 12 month rolling membership from the date that you Join. Please read instructions below as how to register.

(Club fee and ANZ affiliation)
NOTE: Athletics Nelson is the only Senior Harrier club fully registered with Athletics New Zealand, thus giving you many opportunities to run in New Zealand Championships around the country and the world.

Competitive Members 23 Years and over (Rolling Subscription) – $129
Competitive Members 20 to 22 Years (Rolling Subscription) – $115
Social Members 15 Years and over (Rolling Subscription) – $68
Competitive Members 15 to 19 Years (Annual Option) – $103
Competitive Members 15 to 19 Years (Quarterly Option 1 January – 31 March 2026 only) – $55
Active Members 7 to 14 Years (Annual Option) – $87
Active Members 7 to 14 Years (Quarterly Option 1 January – 31 March 2026 only) – $55
Active Members 6 Years and under (Annual Option) – $56
Active Members 6 Years and under (Quarterly Option 1 January – 31 March 2026 only) – $34.50
Volunteer Free to join
Family Discounts
A family discount of 15% is offered to families who register three or more members at the one time

As a paid-up member of a local athletics club you are also a member of Athletics New Zealand. This means from time to time we will email you to let you know the latest news in our sport and keep you up to speed with new benefits to your membership through our Member Benefits Programme.

We have several partners in our Member Benefits Programme that offer great discounts and benefits to members (like yourself) of Athletics New Zealand:<p>


New & Existing Members –

Click Registration Registration[/button] and fill out the form
You can register and pay online via credit or debit card.


Having Problems –

Once you are in the system, if you need to retrieve your password as you have forgotten it – Click “Forgotten your Password”


Transferring Clubs –

Please speak to the club before trying to use this membership portal email athleticsnelson@gmail.com



Firstly, please accept our apology for the time it has taken to open our membership portal. There have been some issues through the Athletics New Zealand’s provider, GameDay, which have just been resolved.
New Members
If you are joining the Club for the first time, the process is straightforward. Go into the Athletics Nelson website, click Join Our Club and follow the instructions.
Existing Members
If you are rejoining as either a Competitive Member 23 years and over or Social Member 15 Years and over membership is now a 12 month rolling membership. This ensures, each year, you receive a full 12 months benefit, regardless of the time of year you join. Your membership remains current until that date.
It is also important to note your new membership will expiry exactly one year from the date you rejoin. To get the most out of your membership, you should not renew your membership until last year’s membership expires.
You will get help with this as follows:

  • For those members whose membership expires or has expired this month, you will get an email from Vern advising you of this and asking you to rejoin the Club through the Athletics Nelson website.
  • For members whose membership expires from 1 May onwards, you will be notified through email by GameDay one week prior to expiry. We urge you to follow their instructions and on the day your membership expires renew it through the Athletics Nelson website.

If you have any issues, please contact Vern (vern@vmrisk.co.nz). Vern will also be monitoring the Club membership to ensure no one is overlooked.
All Other Membership Categories
For all other membership categories, your membership expired on 31 March and is now due for renewal as follows:
Competitive Members 20 to 22 Years
This is a new membership category introduced by Athletics New Zealand this year to give a reduction in membership fees for athletes between the ages of 20 and 22. This has been seen as a way to assist young athletes who may still be students or who have just started their careers.
Competitive Members 15 to 19 Years
Your subscriptions are now due if you are competing over a full 12 month period. This particularly applies to those athletes running road and cross-country during winter. Track athletes who are training or who may want to attend courses throughout the winter, should also join now – it costs no more if you join now than it will if you wait until the start of the track and field season.
Active Members 7 to 14 Years and Active Members 6 Years and under (Childrens Athletics)
Children’s subscriptions are due now if they are running road and cross-country during winter and may wish to compete in events outside of Nelson. Very few parents are aware that, if their child/children join Athletics Nelson during the winter, their subscription goes right through to March next year including children’s track and field. It’s a real chance for summer track and field athletes to enjoy cross-country over winter – at no extra cost. They will be made welcome.

Athletics Nelson 2025/26 Quarterly Membership Form:

Athletics Nelson 2025/26 Quarterly Membership Form:


How to Join/Rejoin Athletics Nelson
It’s easy! The portal is now open. Go into the Athletics Nelson website, click Join Our Club and follow the instructions.
We look forward to you joining/rejoining over the next 12 months. If you have any enquiries or concerns, please email Vern at vern@vmrisk.co.nz.
